Alcohol and Drug Policy and Information for
Happy Pty Ltd t/a Perth Bus, t/a Perth Party Bus, and t/a 'Save the Bees' Party Bus.
Perth Bus is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.
Perth Bus is committed to placing safe, professional drivers in its vehicles.
Perth Bus is committed to having a work environment that is drug and alcohol free.
Perth Bus requires that employees be free from the effects of alcohol while on duty.
Perth Bus employees and contractors may be subject to random drug or alcohol testing.
Prohibited Conduct
All Perth Bus staff who are performing safety-sensitive functions must comply with the following:
- No Perth Bus driver shall be on duty while having an alcohol concentration greater than 0.01.
- No driver or Perth Bus employee shall perform safety-sensitive functions within eight hours of drinking alcohol or taking prohibited drugs.
- No driver or employee shall possess alcohol or bring alcohol on to Perth Bus workplace.
- No driver or Perth Bus employee shall use alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions.
- Perth Bus employees must at all times comply with relevant laws.
Perth Bus requires a driver to inform the Perth Bus of any therapeutic drug use.
If Perth Bus determines that a Perth Bus employee is impaired by alcohol or drug use, Perth Bus will direct that staff member to cease work immediately. Where a Perth Bus staff member has been encouraged to seek assistance for an alcohol or other drug problem but fails to do so and his or her actions impact of the safety or enjoyment of other Perth Bus staff or clients, disciplinary action or other Perth Bus procedures may be instituted.
Perth Bus staff members who are taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs that have specific warnings on use (i.e. that impact upon the Perth Bus workplace) should bring the matter to the attention of their Perth Bus supervisor prior to commencing work. Staff in charge of Perth Bus vehicles and machinery, handling hazardous substances or undertaking hazardous activities must not be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and must at all times comply with relevant laws.